
The Three Races in 12 Sky

There are three martial arts factions in Twelve Sky: the Guanyin, the Fujin, and the Jinong. These factions are constantly in conflict. So players must choose one of the three factions to play the game. Of course, you could use 12sky Gold to decorate the character you choose.


The Guanyin is a well balanced clan. Noble in heart, they are often underestimated by those who think they do not have the will to be devastating fighters. However, they're the most well balanced fighters when compared to the other factions. Proficient in all weapons, the Guanyin are just as well suited with a blade as they are with using their fists.


The Fujin is the master of the double-edged swords. While they have the lowest defense, health, and chi when compared to other factions, they can wear the most powerful armor. They are also the fastest among the three factions, making them very desirable.


The Jinong is by far the strongest of all the factions. Their damage increases dramatically according to strength, and the difference becomes huge as they level up. While mighty as the ox, the Jinong is slow of foot when it comes to running. To supplement this drawback, the Jinong actually have a special form of martial arts that increases their speed.

Do you like this races? I think Guanyin is the most character I want to be, bacause a kind heart is very important.

