
Some about titans and archaeology in the wow

If you need some wow money to upgrade your weapons and equipment, you can come here. You will get much. Now I will give you some experience about titans and archaeology.
The upcoming expansion and cataclysm will be incorporating greater levels of character customization than ever before. A different talent tree system from guild talent trees, to a new profession that will be all about customization. Enter the path of the titans and the new secondary profession.
Pass through the break for all the details, but you should be warned, spoilers lay ahead. As you may have already heard, much will be changing and Blizzard will be making heavy use of phasing. This is where archaeology reaches. A new secondary profession, you will all be eligible to train and upgrade without it interfering with your other professions to gain world of warcraft gold. As an archaeologist, you can go to visit these ruins and research them. If you do like so, you will formulate archaeology notes, which permits you go study and make new discoveries. This leads to the new character progression.
You maybe do not have all the details yet, but it seems that there will be multiple paths to select from. These paths will not be limited by class or race. There is a possibility that you may be able to travel down more than one. You will learn passive bonuses and new skills, determined by which path you select. This is a new dimension to character customization. Rather than being practically a clone of every other character out there of your class. You can differentiate yourself in new and unexpected ways. At last, I hope you have enough patience to practice this skill. If you can use it, you must gain a lot of world of warcraft gold for a quite short time.

