Aion Kinah we should look for some simple way to Buy Aion Gold given another dimension, another use.
With the level up you will be the level aion online kina 30, There have some people likely to get level 30 wings who brought the collectors edition. Many people told us that we can by it from vendor in the sanctum.
We have checked it and they are not the same wings in Aion. You will get a quest directing you to the wing vendor if the Elmo side is anything like the ammo side. You need to prepare for some major sticker shock. For +30 seconds of flight time. The wing in vendor called a Wing Feather Tuner. And there is definitely a vendor for wings. In panda he is in the middle, we assume similar in Sanctum. It is about 900k for the wings. When you turn 30 you get a quest in your queue to go to the vendor and you also get a letter in your mailbox.
The vendor is on a raised platform in the middle of the city. The wings you can buy are +30 seconds flight time and cost just less than 1 million Kemah. The edition wings are +40 seconds and are free to those who bought the collectors edition.
When you turn 30 you get a quest in your queue to go to the vendor and you also get a letter in your mailbox. aion kinah