lotro gold can help you solo a raid.
First off you need at least 2k destiny points to start off with, and make sure both South TA Bridge, and TA is on the Creeps Side. You log into Monster play after logging into your account, and make an Urdu Black Arrow. You will need to start earning some destiny points if you have not got 2k already. If you have, speak to the Monster Player Trainer, and buy all of your 500 DP passives.
The next bit is a little long; you need to run all the way to the ORC Camp just west of West TA Bridge. After you get there grab the quest from Soldier P and run to STAB once there walk to the end of the bridge and pick off the closest scout. Once they are dead move into the trees to your left, so you are in front of the gate to Elf Camp. Wait for the tracker that will patrol just outside the gate to move inside. Do not try to attack them or the sentries atop the Palisade will attack you. Once the tracker has gone inside away from your view run just several steps away from the gate running near the left Sentry, get close enough so they cant attack you and become confused, you should see General An between some thing like this.
As soon as you start running back to the bridge, you are not a second to spare. As soon as the ORC on the bridge see the free peoples, they will attack them. You will lose credit for all but general one, because you only hit him. When you get to the bridge start running around in circles, do not stop or one will hit you. His agro will drop on you once all his men are dead and all the ORC are attacking him. If you do not use your pot, you wait until at least 1.1k health to start attacking him. Use ranged attacks; I used the Fire attack first, then disengaged my auto attack for 3 seconds so I would not pick up heat, then used hindering shot and swift bow, so if he took my attention he would not get to me so quickly. At 20k HP I attacked him with everything, he was not going to agro on me, but keep on the ORC that had hurt him the most.