
Maplestory Guide for Pierce

Pierce is one of the strongest mob skills in Maplestory, beaten only by a Mage Ultimate and a Paladin's Advanced Charge Blow on Elementally Weak monsters. Sometime if you play the game well you can get the sell maple story mesos from the game as the rewards. If you obtain the Level 20 Mastery Book, and you are currently maxing other skills putting 1 point in it is recommended by us. We say this because the number of monsters that it can mob increases by 1 and hitting more monsters is definitely better than hitting less monsters.
Something similar can be said about obtaining the Level 30 Mastery Book. If you max Pierce somewhat early, Dragon Breath is an excellent skill to use in combination with it. Unfortunately, Iron Arrow is stronger than Pierce to an extent. With level 10 SE, you need level 15 Pierce to out damage IA DPS. Pierce does, however, have the ability to be charged while moving, making it a mobile power skill even before level 15, as opposed to IA quick-weak spam ability. Pierce 30 is a rare Populates drop, although not very expensive. So sell Maple Story Mesos is very popular among players and they try their best to get them.
Anyhow in my opinion as long as you play the game you will like it and besides that you can also get enough sell Maple Story Mesos as much as you can. At last I hope you can enjoy your time here!

